Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sony ផលិតអេក្រង់ OLED ស្វិត 9,9 អ៊ីន

ឧបករណ៍បង្ហាញ់ថ្មីមានខ្នាតជិតប្រហែលកុំព្យូទ័របន្ទះ iPad ប៉ុន្តែអាចពត់កោងបាន ទើបតែបង្ហាញ់ខ្លួននៅតាំងពិពណ៌រូបភាព SID 2012 ដែលប្រព្រិត្តទ្បើងនាខែមិថុនានៅសហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក។

អេក្រង់របស់ Sony បានបំពាក់កំរិតពង្រីកគំរូ qHD ( ប្រហាក់ប្រហែល HTC Sensation, One S...)សម្រាប់ដង់ស៊ីតេចំណុចរូបលើអ៊ីននិមួយៗ ទទួលបាន 111 ppi ។ ផលិតផលនេះមានកម្រាស់ 0,11 mm ជួយដល់ tablet នានា គ្រោងរូបលេខអាចស្តើងជាងនាពេលអនាគត។

អាស្រ័យដោយឃឿនអេក្រង់ថ្មីទើបតែផលិត ហើយមិនទាន់បានយកទៅពិនិត្យពីកំរិតថេររបស់វា ហេតុនេះ Sony ពុំអាចយកទៅកន្លែងតាំងពិពណ៌ SID 2012។ ផ្ទុយមកវិញពួកគេបានសំដែងវីដេអូអំពីអេក្រង់ OLED ថ្មីនៅលើកុំព្យូទ័រ។

Monday, June 18, 2012

Google: Western Democracies Also Seek to Censor Political Content

Western democracies, which are not typically associated with censorship, have demanded that Google take down certain political videos, blog posts, and other content, the company said Sunday.

The company as on previous occasions has been asked to take down political speech in many countries, Google said.

"It's alarming not only because free expression is at risk, but because some of these requests come from countries you might not suspect--Western democracies not typically associated with censorship," said Dorothy Chou, Google's senior policy analyst in a blog post.

Google received for example a request from Canada's passport issuing office to remove a YouTube video of a Canadian citizen urinating on his passport and flushing it down the toilet. "We did not comply with this request," Google said

Spanish regulators asked Google in the second half of last year to remove 270 search results that linked to blogs and articles in newspapers that referred to individuals and public figures, including mayors and public prosecutors. "In Poland, we received a request from a public institution to remove links to a site that criticized it," Chou said. Google said it didn't comply with both requests.

U.S. government requests to remove content have for example increased by 103 percent in the second half of last year from the first half, Google said in its Transparency Report which it released Sunday.

In the U.S., one of the requests the Internet company received was from a local law enforcement agency to remove 1400 YouTube videos for alleged harassment, but it did not comply with the request. It also received a court order to remove 218 search results that linked to allegedly defamatory websites, and removed 25 percent of the results cited.